Contribute to MOTBX#

Add a resource to MOTBX#

The EATRIS Multi-omics Toolbox is built with the community, for the community. Suggestions for new resources are very welcome. You can submit an issue to request addition of a new resource, changes to existing resources, or removal of a resource. We also welcome new ideas for this repository, or developers who want to actively contribute to it.

Contact us if you have any questions.

Information for developers#

When making changes to this repository, we follow the GitHub flow. For each issue:

  • Create a new branch

  • Edit the file(s)

  • Create a pull request (PR) - automatically triggers validation checks

  • Merge PR into main branch after review

  • Delete the branch after merging PR

  • Review issue and mention PR in a comment

  • Close issue

Issue templates#

Issue templates can be edited in .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.

GitHub actions#

Automated GitHub actions are defined in .github/workflows.

Workflow: changing a MOTBX resource#

For each suggested edit to MOTBX resources, a GitHub issue is created. Changes are made based on the suggestion and a review by the MOTBX development team. After resource validation triggered by a pull request, changes can be accepted and added the resource collection.

digraph add_resource { fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif" tooltip="Workflow: changing a MOTBX resource" node [ fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif", shape=box, style="filled"] edge [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"] issue_creation [ label=<<b>MOTBX community member:</b><br/>Create issue to request addition,<br/>removal or update of MOTBX resource​>, color="#fa9632", tooltip="Create issue", fontcolor="#ffffff", URL=""]; first_review [ label=<<b>MOTBX team:</b><br/>Review request​>, color="#1d2850", fontcolor="#ffffff", tooltip="Review issue", URL=""]; approve_request [ label="Approve request?​", color="#d2d2d2", shape="diamond", tooltip="Should the resource be added?"]; request_info [ label="Request additional information?​", color="#d2d2d2", shape="diamond", tooltip="Is additional information needed?"]; comment_issue [ label=<<b>MOTBX team:</b><br/>Comment on issue to get additional details​>, color="#1d2850", fontcolor="#ffffff", tooltip="Request further information", URL=""]; provide_info [ label=<<b>MOTBX community member:</b><br/>Comment on issue to provide further details​>, color="#fa9632", tooltip="Provide further information", fontcolor="#ffffff", URL=""]; close_reject_issue [ label=<<b>MOTBX team:</b><br/>Close issue​>, color="#1d2850", fontcolor="#ffffff", tooltip="Close issue", URL=""]; branch_creation [ label=<<b>MOTBX team:</b><br/>Create a new branch, add assignee>, color="#1d2850", fontcolor="#ffffff", tooltip="Create branch", URL=""]; branch_update [ label=<<b>MOTBX team:</b><br/>Add, remove, or update resource in branch​>, color="#1d2850", fontcolor="#ffffff", tooltip="Update branch", URL=""]; pull_request [ label=<<b>MOTBX team:</b><br/>Create pull request​>, color="#1d2850", fontcolor="#ffffff", tooltip="Create pull request", URL=""]; action_validation [ label=<<b>Triggered automated GitHub action:</b><br/>Perform tests validating resources in repository​>, color="#6450a0", fontcolor="#ffffff", tooltip="Automated resource validation", URL=""]; pull_request_review [ label=<<b>MOTBX team:</b><br/>Review pull request​>, color="#1d2850", fontcolor="#ffffff", tooltip="Review pull request", URL=""]; validation_passed [ label="Did all automated checks pass?​", color="#d2d2d2", shape="diamond", tooltip="Could resources be validated?"]; expectations_met [ label="Do the implemented changes\nmeet expectations?​", color="#d2d2d2", shape="diamond", tooltip="Is resource described as expected?"]; pull_request_merge [ label=<<b>MOTBX team:</b><br/>Merge pull request and close issue​>, color="#1d2850", fontcolor="#ffffff", tooltip="Merge pull request", URL=""]; pull_request_draft [ label=<<b>MOTBX team:</b><br/>Convert pull request to draft,<br/>comment on issue to request edit​>, color="#1d2850", fontcolor="#ffffff", tooltip="Edits required", URL=""]; issue_creation -> first_review -> approve_request; approve_request -> request_info [label=<<i>Reject</i>>, style="dotted"]; request_info -> comment_issue [label=<<i>Yes</i>>, style="dotted"]; comment_issue -> provide_info -> first_review [style="dotted"]; request_info -> close_reject_issue [label=<<i>No</i>>, style="dotted"]; approve_request -> branch_creation [label=<<i>Approve</i>>]; branch_creation -> branch_update -> pull_request -> action_validation; action_validation -> pull_request_review -> validation_passed; validation_passed -> expectations_met [label=<<i>Yes</i>>]; expectations_met -> pull_request_merge [label=<<i>Yes</i>>]; validation_passed -> pull_request_draft [label=<<i>No</i>>, style="dotted"]; expectations_met -> pull_request_draft [label=<<i>No</i>>, style="dotted"]; pull_request_draft -> branch_update [style="dotted"]; }

Workflow: summarise changes#

While individual resources can be continuously edited, updates to the MOTBX website are made in regular time intervals. For this purpose, summaries of all resources and changes made compared to a previous summary are made.

digraph summarise_resources { fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif" tooltip="Workflow: summarise MOTBX resource and changes" node [ fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif", shape=box, style="filled"] edge [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"] action_summary [ label=<<b>GitHub action:</b><br/>Create resource summary>, fontcolor="#ffffff", color="#6450a0", tooltip="Manually triggered GitHub action", URL=""]; send_for_approval [ label=<<b>MOTBX team:</b><br/>Send change summary to<br/>MOTBX content committee​>, color="#1d2850", tooltip="Send summary for approval", fontcolor="#ffffff", URL=""] content_review [ label=<<b>MOTBX content committee:</b><br/>Review changes​>, color="#00b4b4", tooltip="Changes are reviwed by content committee", URL="", fontcolor="#ffffff"] changes_approved [ label="Are all changes approved?", color="#d2d2d2", shape="diamond", tooltip="Does the content committee approve resource changes?"] publish_changes [ label=<<b>MOTBX team:</b><br/>Publish changes on MOTBX website>, color="#1d2850", tooltip="Publish changes on MOTBX website", URL="", fontcolor="#ffffff"] resolve_issues [ label=<<b>MOTBX team:</b><br/>Follow the above workflow <i>changing a<br/>MOTBX resource </i> to resolve approval issues>, tooltip="Create issue per resource and make edits", color="#1d2850", fontcolor="#ffffff", URL="" ] action_summary -> send_for_approval -> content_review -> changes_approved; changes_approved -> publish_changes [label=<<i>Yes</i>>]; changes_approved -> resolve_issues [label=<<i>No</i>>, style="dotted"]; resolve_issues -> action_summary [style="dotted"]; }